Students have been working HARD this first trimester, and they filled up the celebration jar! We had a schoolwide pajama day, an all-school assembly, and popcorn with juice as a reward.
Last month, our schoolwide theme was empathy. In our morning announcements, we reminded students to have empathy, identify their own and others' feelings, notice and respect the same and different feelings, and show compassion. Compassing involves saying kind words or doing something helpful to show you care how another person feels. When students can identify, understand, and respond in a caring way to how someone else is feeling, it helps create a positive and accepting school climate.
We also know the importance of encouragement. During the assembly, we acted out the book "Woo Hoo! You're Doing Great!" by Sandra Boynton (here is a link to her son reading the book)
Thank you for continuing to support, practice compassion, and encourage your child at home! We couldn't do it without our families!