Open Enroll into Grantsburg Schools
**Alternative Open Enrollment applications are available now, throughout the school year, and summer via the District Office.
Make the Grantsburg School District your child's educational home. We accept Open Enrollment applications for students entering prekindergarten, kindergarten, and all grade levels. See for yourself why we have become a public school of choice for families throughout northwestern Wisconsin!
We proudly serve more than 1,760 students across three schools and offers an online charter school. Students have access to a wide array of programs and services, including:
Award Winning Schools
Excellent Student Achievement
Talented & Caring Staff
1:1 Technology
After-School Programs
Quality Music & Athletic Programs
iForward-Online Charter School
Open Enrollment for the 2025-26 school year begins February 3, 2025, and runs until April 30, 2025, at 4:00 p.m.
Questions? Contact Open Enrollment Coordinator Cassie Henderson at 715-463-5499.
Apply Online
Online is the preferred method of applying for Open Enrollment. To get started, please visit
Paper applications are also available at school building offices or the District Office.